Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Visiting Yoko, Kukai and Kazu in Redondo


Super Bowl at the Petros

For this year's super bowl, we went to Kevin's parents house for their big party. Lots of coors light (Kev's dad is the one who introduced us to the cl smooth)and good food. It was also special because Oooju got to hang out with Vanessa again. She's so sweet. She just adores both me and Oooju. She's actually the one that took the picture of oooju and me.

Korean Friendship Bell

rainy day

Little India

we went to this great indian restaurant in artesia with robert, nuvia and her sister yancy. it was so good. oooju even loved it. For some reason, oooju reminds me of a character in a Guy Ritchie film with his track suit on.


we went to lacma this past weekend. we were hanging out in front by the lampposts for a while. That's where I took this picture of him. Then,someone wanted to take a picture of oooju but oooju just flipped out. he started screaming and snearing at the poor girl. it was kind of freaky. on the other hand, kenney was happy to pose for her. she smiled and was so sweet. what is happening to our little oooju guy?

Onto more interesting news: I think Oooju's favorite artist is turning out to be Jeff Koons. He loves the ballon dog, the inflatable toys, he even likes the lobster picture with the naked girl. he had fun point out her butt. But his favorite piece this time was jeff koons steel and bourbon train. he was mesmerized. we looked at it for a good 5 minutes. we stood in front, walked around it. I was so sad because oooju just wanted to play with it but the museum lady was right ther watching us. nate commented that it was probably the most expensive train model oooju will ever see. he was not kidding. one sold for $5.5 million. what is wrong with people.