And here's something new: video clips of him "swimming."
Here's Nate and Duff with the turkey. It came out great! Since Nate's mom is a vegetarian, I have to prepare the turkey. My secret is I massage it with salt and pepper and baste the turkey with a lot of love and tenderness.
Here's Duff with his Grandma and Great Grandma. Great Grandma's pretty old school and says some funny shit. Like on Thanksgiving morning, she came out into the living room and said: "I look like the socks on a rooster!" We don't really know exactly what it means or where the expression comes from, but it was funny as hell when she said it.
where's the picture? where's the story?
Wow! Swimming already? You training him to be a Speedo-wearing polo player? And that was hilarious what Ooju's great-grandma said. You should've asked her to say it again and record it.
i really like the pictures of duff with grandma and great grandma! very cute!!
instead of a world famous celloist, maybe he'll be an olympic, gold medal, swimmer! and i'll be there supportin him in our 2-pc ;) the cooler and hotter of the aunties. hee hee!
i didnt know bonnets were unisex
i love him in the swimming pool! i always watch these ones. anywho - yea, duff has more cleavage than i ever will. what's going on?
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