Monday, October 8, 2007

Star Sighting

Sunday, our little family (me, tubba, and duff) went to Brentwood to see a free concert at Dutton's Bookstore. Violinist David Juritz has been on a world tour completely funded by the money he makes on the streets playing his violin to support his charity Musequality.

There, we saw Larry David from Curb Your Enthusiasm and Susanna Hoffs from the Bangles. Btw, Larry David drives a pale blue Prius. I think that's the way Hollywood people try to be environmental.


Anonymous said...

Larry David! I'm so jealous!

Unknown said...

un-nee, dude - it's time for some new photos. you should mos def post the ones with the ike doll. i think grace and i need to start taking our own photos and posting em up.