Our Oooju guy loves him some bbung-tee-kee. It was kind of hard finding him some in Korea. While we were driving to our friend Eric's house, a guy was selling some at a stop light. When we got to the apartment and opened it up, Oooju went crazy. Think Cookie Monstor crazy. Needless to say, Oooju really enjoyed his fix.

With Cousins

Summer Fun
Oooju and Yuna Get their Groove on

Oooju and Lucas

Messing around

This election, Oooju got a little political. Well, my whole family did, especially my mom about Prop 8. Somehow, a guy was walking around our neighborhood passing out Yes on Prop 8 signs. She asked him for one to put on our front lawn even though she's not a citizen and can't even vote. So, Nate got a No on Prop 8 sign from one of his students. On Halloween, it confused the hell out of the trick or treaters. But the next morning, both signs were missing. My mom insists that Oooju was Yes on Prop 8. I had to tell her Oooju loves everyone so that means he is No on Prop 8.



This was the first time for me and Oooju to go to a UCLA football game. I think everyone enjoyed the tailgating much more than the game. The highlight of the day was when Oooju spelled out his own name in the sand.
that's it! once school's out it's time for me to put in some e-mo time cuz i need some pix w/him to be posted up here . . . ;)
seriously, if you don't, i'm gonna photoshop your mii character into the pictures. remember the one I made with the funky eyebrows.
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