Monday, December 31, 2007

Las Vegas

Jane, Nate and I flew into Vegas. While we were waiting for the rest of the gorup to arrive by car, Nate and I celebrated our return to Vegas with a big ass beer at the Brew Pub in the Monte Carlo. Jane sipped on her whiskey.

Here is a picture of the guys (where's Roger?), the girls (where's Roger?) and the whole group (where's Roger?).

Can you guess what Jane and Mike are doing? They're dancing. What a bunch of dorks. Haha.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Wii Shall Overcome

So this is my story of how a little game console turned 9 days in December into one of the biggest adventures of my life.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Wii would like to buy!

Dude, why are the Wii consoles so hard to find. I've been on a crazy hunt for one and I guess I'm not the only one. There are a bunch of moms and dads out there lurking around Gamestops for the UPS guy to show up with the day's shipment hoping to God that there are some Wiis in the shipment.

After calling around and waiting at two stores, unfortunately, I did not get a Wii. On the bright side, I did learn some interesting stuff. Like Nitendo's been a company since 1889. The guy at Gamestop said they started off making majong tiles, but he was wrong. What a weinerdog. Anyways, according to wikipedia, they started off making go-stop cards. They also ran a love motel and a taxi company before settling on video games.

I also learned that moms and dads know more about video games than I had thought. However, their knowledge is a bit superficial and you don't know how many times I heard some middle-aged woman walk into gamestop and ask if they had "that guitar thing."

Then, I learned that Target has a bunch of Wiis in their warehouse waiting for Sunday when they put out their ads. What a bunch of losers. So this Sunday, at the big major retailers like Target, Walmart, Bestbuy, they're going to be put out, because that's when Gamestop won't be getting any shipments at all. This is all according to the guy at Gamestop who thinks the world revolves around them. Also, at bestbuy, I guess you get a ticket. But I heard at Target, it's a free for all with people running through the store to get to the electronics department. I may have to do some reconnaissance work before this Sunday.

Anyways, I'll be back at Gamestop tomorrow. Wish Mii luck. Hopefully, I'll have one by Saturday for the game portion of my party, otherwise, you know where I'll be on Sunday morning.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Lucky Magic Slippers

About a week ago, me, my mom, and oooju went to Korea Town and stopped off at Kim's Home Center. I bought these slippers and actually ended up on KBS LA news checking them out during Kim's Home Center's grand reopening. The camera guy really liked the way I shopped so he kept asking me to pick up the slippers over and over again.

Anyways, when we got home, the slippers proved to be not only lucky but magical. For some reason, the baby really gets a kick out of them.

new office mates!

Well, I couldn't resist sharing this with you guys. Look who moved into (and pretty much took over) my office:

Monday, December 3, 2007

Birthday Weekend

At the Redcat Lounge:

Iwei doen't look impressed with Robert, but Nuvia's loving it.

Me and Cathy

Nate and me

Grace, Nuvia, and Jane: They practice their poses at home before going out

Rosie and Danial

We took over the lounge at Redcat and it felt like a private party! Thanks for coming everyone. I had so much fun!

Degenerate Art Ensemble:

Unfortunately, everyone bailed and didn't stay for the show,except my cousins and Cathy. But they really didn't have a choice since we carpooled. Luckily, Cathy got a free ticket because it was sold out. That's right haters, you missed an awesome show.

After Party at El Gallitos Taco Truck:

Best taco truck in the world! It's pretty much a taco truck in a parking lot and people order and stand around and eat. Jane busted out her spanish and impressed everyone. Grace got tripas tacos. I think I'm gonna have to try that next time.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007


I don't know if it's me or what but keeping up this blog is a lot of work. I need to learn some shortcuts or something because it's kind of exhausting to me. Maybe I'm just retarded or something, but I need some tips. I have so many pictures I want to post with little cute stories to go with them. But they'll have to wait.

You know, I'm supposed to be writing my dissertation proposal right now, but here I am wasting time again. Btw, I'm defending my proposal on Dec 14. So I'm a little stressed out lately. But after the 14th, I think I'll be a different person.

Wish me luck!

Monday, November 26, 2007

Oooju's Not Going to Hell!

On Sunday, Oooju got baptized. He's been saved! Yay! Anyways, it was my mom's idea and it was just way more important for her to have him baptized. Days leading up to the baptism, she would get teary eyed just thinking about it. She has this plan to get Oooju to go to church with her and then eventually, the two of them will team up together to evangelize the rest of the family. According to my mom, Nate, my sister, my dad and I are all going to hell. The sad thing is, it really breaks her heart thinking we won't be joining her in heaven.
Notice how everyone in my family is pretty much the same height

So my cousins Jane and Grace also came to the baptism. However, I don't know what type of church they're used to going to because they showed up dressed like a bunch of hookers. Jane was wearing some lacy thing that looked more like a nighty and Grace had on skin tight pants, a midriff bearing tank top and some crazy heeled boots. Unfortunately you can't see the boots in the picture, but believe me, they did not look like they were going to a baptism. But they're great aunts to Oooju and I guess that's what matters.

Friday, November 23, 2007

Duff's First Thanksgiving!

We went to Nate's mom's house for Thanksgiving which has become a tradition for us. But this year, Duff got to join the party on the outside (last year, I was almost two months pregnant with him). It was also a very special day because it was Duff's first time swimming in a pool. He loved it as you can see from the pictures:

And here's something new: video clips of him "swimming."

Here's Nate and Duff with the turkey. It came out great! Since Nate's mom is a vegetarian, I have to prepare the turkey. My secret is I massage it with salt and pepper and baste the turkey with a lot of love and tenderness.

Here's Duff with his Grandma and Great Grandma. Great Grandma's pretty old school and says some funny shit. Like on Thanksgiving morning, she came out into the living room and said: "I look like the socks on a rooster!" We don't really know exactly what it means or where the expression comes from, but it was funny as hell when she said it.

Monday, November 5, 2007

Ghetto-Ass Carnival Behind My House

So the past Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, we went to this ghetto-ass carnival behind my house. It was great. I used to go when I was in junior high school. I can't really say I have fond memories of it, but a have a couple memorable ones. Like one time, this carnie in charge of the viking ride offered me and my girlfriends some chewing tobacco and then after he started the ride, he went off somewhere and left us on the ride for over 10 minutes.

Anyways, I wanted to share such "urban" experiences with Oooju. Here are some pics from that wonderful thing that is now officially known as: "The Ghetto-Ass Carnival Behind my house!"

Dan and Nate
Nuvia and Robert
Carnival Ride
Corn stuck in some Cabbage

The Whole family with Mr.
Oooju and Nate

Nate and Oooju
Oooju and Me

Curious George, Oooju and Nate

So Nate won the Curious George doll by throwing a plastic ring on a coke bottle. It was great. I was so proud of him. As for me, it was more fun trying to bargain with the carnies for free games or extra balls or a dollar off than actually playing the games which I suck at. However, there was a raffle and I won a Mexican wrestling mask that smells like gasoline and an Infinity t-shirt. I love it!

Monday, October 8, 2007

Star Sighting

Sunday, our little family (me, tubba, and duff) went to Brentwood to see a free concert at Dutton's Bookstore. Violinist David Juritz has been on a world tour completely funded by the money he makes on the streets playing his violin to support his charity Musequality.

There, we saw Larry David from Curb Your Enthusiasm and Susanna Hoffs from the Bangles. Btw, Larry David drives a pale blue Prius. I think that's the way Hollywood people try to be environmental.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Oooju's the Gerber Baby!

A couple of old ladies were looking at Oooju and commented that he looked like the Gerber baby. I think the Gerber baby is adorable so it made me really happy. However, I have to admit that most of the time, Oooju does not look like the Gerber baby (just check out the pictures in the other posts). But here, I think he does. Way to go Oooju!

Thursday, September 20, 2007


Oooju does this new thing where he raises one arm straight up. I don't get it but I think it's totally funny. He usually does it while sitting in his favorite bouncy chair and while getting his diaper changed. I think he's caught on that I notice when he does that so he'll stop doing it right when I see him do it (he's a punkass). So it's been really hard to capture it on camera. But here are some shots I got.

Here, he's just straight up flexing for all the ladies out there.